Sunday, February 21, 2010

Roses from my Mother's Garden

Me and my mom both love gardening, since i have left home and staying in PG i don't have any plants to grow at PG. But at home i used to grow plants.
Recently my mom got few rose plants they started blooming with flowers at Feburary, when went home clicked few pics... Here are few of those.....

The above red ones blooming their first flower...

I always a have craziness towards yellow roses, so my mom got that one too...
You know than any other colour orange roses has the probability to survive when replanted.. I had a big orange rose bush at home which always bear a flower at anytime of the year, but been destroyed when renovation happened at home...

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Always good results won't Happen :)

I am happy to tell u that i have reached my target....

Now mail box has 0 unread messages...Hurray!!!

Yesterday at my room i thought of putting Mehndi, i spent 2 hours to put it on.
In the morning oh got the mehndhi never got color.

Wat a waste of time... When you expect something to come great, might turn into a wail....

Checking Mail

Yesterday was mail checking day!!! i had left lots of mail in my GMail account.Its around 1856 and i read around 760 mails sterday...

I left the office early as i was a little feverish.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Learning to Draw a Flower

Yesterday was a learning time for me.I was going through some floral pics and suddenly i got strike with an idea of drawing a flower. 'How to draw a flower?' i like oil painting.. so thought to draw a flower and paint it on my canvas.

So if u need to learn something obviously ppl go for google. C'mmon i too took help of it read some instructions book with illustrations. On the go i tried on a rough paper it came well, but when i tried on the canvas, oh god after my friend seeing my painting said 'You better stop drawing flowers, it doesn't look like a flower at all.'

Being an artist how suppose to drop things in middle??? I tried again in a rough sheet it came quite well than that on the canvas.But again trying in the canvas took a hell lot of time...
At last it came Okay,now i thought its time to sleep let me paint it on weekend...
There stays my drawing in the canvas at bed next to mine, without even noticed by my friend. Gone my learning in vein!! :)

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Yesterday i was at coimbatore and was doing a little shopping for myself before taking my journey back to Bangalore.
I was a bangle freak.Dunno wat ppl think abt bangles, whenever i wear bangles that too glass ones, it always jingles and even i am sad hearing those jingles it makes my spirits upright....

So when i went for shopping got around 4 dozens of bangles 4 my self, though already i have bangles to setup a shop, i got it. Also got good scoldings from mom :)

This time i got around 12 dozens of bangles to bangalore...

Today i am wearing a metal bangle with white stones studded all around...


Monday, February 15, 2010

Pooja @ Home

Hi All,

Today as all of you know is Valentine's Day...

Wish u all belated Valentines Day Wishes!!!

Today my mom has kept a pooja in the morning, its called Ganapathi Homam(means its a pooja for lord Ganesha).Homam refers to a practice of worship by using fire.There will be priest who creates a small fireplace kind of stuff in a square, temporarily made of bricks and sands.In the fire they offer the god's prasad(like foodstuffs,clothes, many more.Have heard that ppl putting even gold & silk sarees),the fire is a pure form, its the best to offer it in the fire created and wish for his blessings.

They make a kalash, recite mantras of lord ganapathy, so that the lord himself comes and be in the kalash and accept all our offerings.They recite mantras for the goodness of the family which has kept the pooja.

Thats how rishis and sages have worshipped god.The Kings for the well beings of ppl,country and himself keep these pooja and asks the sages to perform it for him.

So today we had a pooja for our well being, we had all our relatives coming in for the homam and its a great spirtual and happier atmosphere.We all had got the blessings from the lord :)

so thats how went my valentines day with my near & dears!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Start of Blogging - Abt Indian Monuments

Hi All,

My First blog this is...

Wat do i start with?
Here Today i was suddenly got through a photo of Amber Mahal from Jaipur..

I love travelling to places and i have once been to Jaipur at my age of 15.I have seen Ajmer palace. Now when i saw it in picture i am getting back to the tour where i visited it. It's lovely and breath taking...

After seeing Amber Palace of Jaipur, i had a feel to go through pics of few monuments in India.It's always facinating to see the temples of india, such an architectural excelence they have.

People who have not been able to view it can just google some pics and look how splendid they are.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Mahaballipuram - Chennai

Mammallapuram a tourist place in chennai. I happened to workin chennai for 6 months. I asked my friend to took me to the place to take some pics of this beautiful architectural excellence created by the pallava's.

There is the seashore temple and the five ratha's.Some great sculptural excellence like a elephant in a single rock and other monumental specials are present.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Bangalore - Flowers Caught ocaasionally

These Flowers are mostly taken in flower show held at Lalbagh - bangalore in the month of January.

This flower is captured outside a house when me and Ramya went for walking...

Its from office, i love them...

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Some flowers from Home

I love these photos, they color of the flower came well even in my mobile camera...

@Home we used to have a mud vessel which we fill it with water and decorate it with flowers and keep it at the table, when i was there at home i used to do it, i liked the colors combination of that given below hence clicked it...