Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Learning to Draw a Flower

Yesterday was a learning time for me.I was going through some floral pics and suddenly i got strike with an idea of drawing a flower. 'How to draw a flower?' i like oil painting.. so thought to draw a flower and paint it on my canvas.

So if u need to learn something obviously ppl go for google. C'mmon i too took help of it read some instructions book with illustrations. On the go i tried on a rough paper it came well, but when i tried on the canvas, oh god after my friend seeing my painting said 'You better stop drawing flowers, it doesn't look like a flower at all.'

Being an artist how suppose to drop things in middle??? I tried again in a rough sheet it came quite well than that on the canvas.But again trying in the canvas took a hell lot of time...
At last it came Okay,now i thought its time to sleep let me paint it on weekend...
There stays my drawing in the canvas at bed next to mine, without even noticed by my friend. Gone my learning in vein!! :)

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